We solve every conflict!

With mediation and other effective methods of conflict management, we at Mediationsbüro Einigungshilfe offer you nationwide support in resolving conflicts, in German, English and French.

Certified and licensed mediators accompany you to tailor-made, sustainable agreement: not just feasible in the matter, but also sustainable and satisfactory on the relationship level. You are the specialists for your issue, we are the experts in conflicts. Together we will resolve your conflict, so you can tackle other tasks with more energy, time and peace of mind.

Our Image of Man

The two basic assumptions of the humanistic view of man in particular guide our work:

  1. People can take care of themselves and continue to develop, so they can have new experiences, to process and grow from them.
  2. People cooperate whenever possible, so they interact with and understand each other.

When you are in a conflict, these two assumptions often seem very unlikely: I really have other things on my mind during the argument than developing myself further; I'm not sure whether I want to cooperate; but what seems quite certain to me is that the other person neither wants to develop nor cooperate.

And yes, both of these aspects of being human are not available or only available to a limited extent in an acute conflict situation. It is our job as mediators to make both possible again. To achieve this, we create a safe framework for the conversation and get in touch with you using our own humanity: We will make every effort to really understand you, i.e. to understand what is important to you in the current conflict. You may also become clearer to yourself in the process.

And we will provide you with tried and tested methods that will enable you to make yourself understood. You may not like everything you hear from the other person, but it will be possible to understand: "Oh, I understand how you see it. But I have quite a different perspective." On this basis, you can then return to the cooperation: "How can we somehow realize what is important to both of us?".

Contact us

Our Satisfied Clients

Manager after team mediation at a research institution


"I would like to thank you very much for the team mediation. From the very beginning, the cooperation was characterized by professionalism and a deep understanding of our individual problem situation. Even the intensive preliminary discussions brought more clarity for me as a manager and strengthened the expectation of and hope for a constructive solution for all team members. You were always a contact person who was available to answer questions, organized the process according to individual needs and also helped to solve tricky questions in advance. The fact that all team members took part voluntarily was certainly also due to the confidence-building preliminary discussions with you. The 1.5 days on site provided our team with clarity and a sense of unbundling. Both of these have had the effect of making communication processes easier and decision-making processes smoother. Discussions can now continue in a constructive atmosphere, even without a mediator. All in all, this mediation was really good!"Mediation is confidential

All the more reason for us to thank the following clients who have agreed to their feedback being presented here anonymously.

We have collected the feedback from our costumers to share their experiences with our services. We are proud to give you an insight into the variety of positive experiences our clients have shared with us. These voices are the best proof of our dedication to quality and customer satisfaction.

Some of them are available on request for your queries - feel free to contact us!

Feedback after mediation in a executive committee (ca. 12 People):


  • „I was skeptical. But you had me when I finally understood what it was all about."
  • "It was intense, the individual and group discussions; also the holding back. And it all made sense."
  • "I came here expecting it to be a blast. It was a good feeling when I experienced that you channeled that. This channeling was incredibly helpful. I think we started something good there."
  • "Your support enabled things to be addressed respectfully, which was very helpful."
  • "I'm surprised at how courageously the people who were in the middle [during a fish bowl session] endured it."
  • "I thought it was right & important that the conflicts were handled very professionally and that we made progress."
  • “The decision to bring in a neutral party who none of us had worked with before was definitely very helpful. There would have been no room for that in our regular meetings. Something always went wrong, for whatever reason, and now we've managed to find common ground.”

Manager after three sessions in the coaching process that led to a significant change in her attitude to work and life 


  • „The first meeting with you I found very positive; in the second meeting you annoyed me. That had an impact: I then found a solution for myself."

Head of a 5-member management team of a non-profit organization


  • “I would have never thought that we would be where we are today - three months later. [...] I've taken over the leadership for the first time and I'm exercising it more than I would have done before and we're paying attention when communicating with each other, asking explicitly about important decisions and opinions. [...] I'm curious to see how it turns out. In any case, we're slowly regaining our ability to work and that's worth a lot! A big thank you once again!”

- available as a reference upon request 

Client after an inheritance mediation 


  • "Very helpful - it now feels coherent and rounded - the solution approach worked out great"

Head of department at a research institute after a complex conflict management process 


  • "As a coach and moderator, Mr. von Oertzen is able to recognize the cause of the conflict very quickly. He had no difficulty in familiarizing himself with the particular structures, hierarchical orders or personal environments of the respective workshop participants. The training in the area of management and team coaching led to an improved climate within my department: the open, but also problem-focused atmosphere of the workshops led to constructive measures in which problems and wishes of individual employees could be taken into account. After the training sessions, employees were able to talk to each other much more openly about their specific problems and there was a clear improvement in their work behavior. One experiences very exciting moments in individual coaching when one is confronted directly and unequivocally with the underlying problem, the core of the conflict. Mr. von Oertzen explains his training methods and the models behind them very comprehensively and also provides you with tools on how to master such situations. These aids made a lasting impression on me because they were tailored to me, my personality and my environment and were therefore honest."

- available as a reference upon request

Client after the the settlement of an inheritance conflict 


  • “We would like to thank you once again for your support during the mediation! We would never have thought that we would not only get the inheritance settled, but also find each other as a family - with all the ups and downs”

 - available as a reference upon request

The manager after a team mediation at a research institute 


  • “I would like to thank you for your guidance during the team mediation. From the very beginning, the cooperation was characterized by professionalism and a deep understanding of our individual problem situation. Even the intensive preliminary discussions brought more clarity for me as a manager and strengthened the expectation of and hope for a constructive solution for all team members. You were always a contact person who was available to answer questions, organized the process according to individual needs and also helped to solve tricky questions in advance. The fact that all team members took part voluntarily was certainly due to the confidence-building preliminary discussions with you. The 1.5 days on site provided our team with clarity and a sense of unbundling. Both of these have had the effect of making communication processes easier and decision-making processes smoother. Discussions can now continue in a constructive atmosphere, even without a mediator. All in all, this mediation was really good!”

- available as a reference upon request

Client after family mediation 


  • “When I woke up this morning and thought about the day, I realized that I was fine - tired and exhausted - but fine. I now think of my daughter without hostility - even though she is still very distant from me, but I can let her have that, and me too. And I realized that my greatest wish had come true: to think of my daughter without hostility. Thank you for your soooo much needed intensive help!!!!”

Feedback form a co-mediator after a session:


  • “He gained the attention of the participants quickly, supported with great guidance and structure, and brought them back on track to the central topic and took the pace out where necessary.”

Feedback from a supervisee:


  • "With specific targeted questions, [Jürgen von Oertzen] brought me to the crux of the matter in the supervision, which was surprising for me and very helpful in the resolution for the next mediations. We set up my inner team, which JvO represented graphically. He was also able to find the hidden team members very quickly. Despite the intensive and therefore exhausting work, this was a lot of fun and gave the team members acting in the background their own place. My entire "team" was also appreciated during the supervision."

- available as a reference upon request

Christoph Besemer, mediator BM, trainer for mediation BM


  • “Jürgen von Oertzen is able to present topics in a versatile and compact way. His didactic approach includes his own introductions, active participation of the participants, exercises and role plays. His seminars thus create a varied and pleasant space for learning.”

Participant in a training course 


  • “What I particularly liked about Jürgen von Oertzen's seminar style was that he changed the methods to suit the content - our group was always on task with ease. He also responded to disruptions sensitively and promptly. This created a strong closeness to the group as well as an intensive and dense working atmosphere. I was awake and active afterwards and had a clear orientation for my acquisition. Seminar work - what a joy!”

- available as a reference upon request

Bruno Vogler-Wangler, Regional Officer, Archdiocese of Freiburg, after a 2-day course on conflict management


  • “Mr. von Oertzen brought a wide range of topics with him, which he then used according to the situation in consultation with the course leader. His consistently good contact with the needs and questions of the participants was impressive and instructive. The participants benefited both from the speaker's content-related input and from his professional, interactive and process-oriented work with the group. Mr. von Oertzen also succeeded very well in presenting complex issues in a clear and, to a large extent, visualized manner. His practical experience and expertise as a mediator was authentically tangible and had a very motivating effect. With his help, the course, a fruitful and lively learning process for everyone involved.”



Our network includes mediators and other experts from various professional backgrounds and complementary specializations, whom we consult or refer to as needed.

Thus, you will find additional expertise here in the fields of personnel development, personnel consulting, team and outdoor training, as well as business consulting.

Let us decide together which team and approach are best suited for you and your concerns.

Contact us now!

Own Publications


Jürgen von Oertzen, Ute Liepold and Dominik Wahlig : Schmidts Kaffeetasse, oder: Mediation und Change - Potential für Synergien? in: Spektrum der Mediation Nr. 53, 2/2014.

von Oertzen, Jürgen : Promotoren des Konfliktmanagements, in: Ulla Gläßer/ Lars Kirchhoff/ Felix Wendenburg (Hrsg.), Konfliktmanagement in der Wirtschaft - Ansätze, Modelle, Systeme, Baden-Baden.

von Oertzen, Jürgen : Verbale Angriffe in der Mediation, in: Praxistipps für schwierige Situationen in der Mediation - Teil 3, in der Reihe Mediation in der Praxis, Online Article 

von Oertzen, Jürgen : Aggression in der Mediation, in: Praxistipps für schwierige Situationen in der Mediation - Teil 2, in der Reihe Mediation in der Praxis, Online Article

von Oertzen, Jürgen : Handlungsfähig bleiben in schwierigen Situationen, in: Praxistipps für schwierige Situationen in der Mediation - Teil 1, in der Reihe Mediation in der Praxis, Online Article


von Oertzen, Jürgen : Welche Ausbildung passt zu mir? Auf dem Weg zum Mediator, zur Mediatorin – Kosten, Trainer und Lehrinhalte.  In: Kommunikation und Seminar 04/2013, S. 13-17. (genehmigte Zweitveröffentlichung; Erstveröffentlichung unter 'Wie finde ich die richtige Mediationsausbildung‘, 2012)

von Oertzen, Jürgen : Wie lässt sich eine Mediations-Übungsgruppe effektiv gestalten? Online Article

von Oertzen, Jürgen : Will ich Mediator/Mediatorin werden? Online Article

von Oertzen, Jürgen : Zweifelhafte Messung von Ausbildungsinstituten, Online Article


von Oertzen, Jürgen : Gibt es eine Mediationswissenschaft in Deutschland? in: Spektrum der Mediation, S. 12-16.

von Oertzen, Jürgen : Grounded Theory in der Mediationswissenschaft, in: Dominic Busch/Claude-Hélène Mayer (Hrsg.), Mediation erforschen: Fragen – Forschungsmethoden – Ziele, Wiesbaden, S. 207-222.

von Oertzen, Jürgen : Wie finde ich die passende Mediationsausbildung? Online Article in Mediation aktuell


von Oertzen, Jürgen 2011:
Konfliktmanagement – Etablierungsprozesse und -strategien,
in: PricewaterhouseCoopers (pwc) / Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) (Hrsg.), Konfliktmanagement – Von den Elementen zum System, Frankfurt [am Main], p. 56-68. Gesamte Studie als PDF zum Download


von Oertzen, Jürgen: Wer macht’s? Die Rollen von Promotoren bei der Etablierung von Konfliktmanagementsystemen in Unternehmen, Frankfurt (Oder), Karlsruhe (Master Dissertation).